Cross Canadian Ragweed

Cross Canadian Ragweed
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Let’s get this straight right off the bat, though it should be obvious to any and all who have been listening over the last decade or so: Cross Canadian Ragweed are a rock’n’roll band. “They may be the last great Southern rock band still stomping the boards,” says All Music Guide, while USA Today proclaims that “this ferociously rocking band is one of the better-kept secrets around.” But not a secret for much longer, as their seventh studio album, Happiness and All The Other Things, amply proves. And, yes, being from a small town in Oklahoma and two of them now residing in the Lone Star State (where they are kings of the thriving Red Dirt/Texas music scene), Cross Canadian Ragweed also qualify as country, and have even played The Grand Ole Opry. It’s only natural, part of the musical heritage that the members of the band grew up on. Ragweed’s utterly natural Southwestern rock style abounds on Happiness and All The Other Things. The 12-track opus opens with a one/two punch/kiss combo that sets the band’s wide parameters: The fiercely rocking road tale “51 Pieces” followed by a sweet taste of the Texas Hill Country springtime on “Blue Bonnets,” whose sparse and lovely arrangement features harmonium by Joe Hardy (the star recording engineer who mixed the album) and dobro by noted musician and producer Lloyd Maines (also the father of Dixie Chick Natalie Maines). And then it only gets better. Produced by the band’s longtime compatriot and artist in his own right Mike McClure, the album also features harmony vocals and piano by Stephanie Briggs, who co-wrote many of the songs with Canada. “We wanted to make something that sounds different than anything else we’ve done,” explains singer, songwriter and lead guitarist Cody Canada. And to wit, the disc ranges from rockers that soar (“Burn Like The Sun”), sear (“Drag” and “Overtable”) and groove (“To Find My Love,” sung by bassist Jeremy Plato) to such mid-tempo gems as “Kick In The Head” (with a 1970s California country-rock feel lit by sparkling steel guitar from Maines), “Pretty Lady,” “Tomorrow” and “Confident” (with its echoes of Tom Petty), all of it finally capped by the spectral Beatlesque ballad “My Chances” (and then followed by a bonus track of Warren Zevon’s “Carmelita”). And within the album’s many modes and moods, the proud legacy of American rock’n’roll gets renewed and reinvigorated for the modern age. It follows on the heels of Mission California, which hit #6 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart and #30 on the Top 100 week of release, all without the benefit of major radio airplay. Texas Music magazine hailed the album as “a disc that’s bad-ass and nationwide with a swagger that finds them playing their way firmly into the pantheon of great American rock’n’roll bands, Southern division, right up there with rebel generals like the Allmans, Skynyrd, Georgia Satellites and Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.” All of that is no secret to Cross Canadian Ragweed’s legion of fans across the nation, especially those in the Texas/Oklahoma area who have supported the band from the start. It’s a rare bond of mutual loyalty between a group and its listeners that was grown the good ole grassroots way — organically if you will — through years of dedicated road work and delivering the nutritious rock goods that keep the fans coming back for more. Thanks to such fervent support, Ragweed hosts three annual festivals: their Music & Mayhem concert every Memorial Day back home in Oklahoma, which just celebrated its third year; the band’s Red Dirt Roundup in Texas, every Labor Day, now in its third year packing the Fort Worth Stockyards with 20,000 plus revelers — this festival was featured in a 2007 New York Times article on Cross Canadian Ragweed as the leading lights of the Red Dirt scene; and their Family Jam held every year at the Zoo Amphitheatre in Oklahoma City to benefit Mandi’s Ministries, a charity founded by drummer Randy Ragsdale dedicated to his sister who passed away in a car accident in 2001. It all began in Yukon, Oklahoma, where Canada, Plato, guitarist Grady Cross and drummer Randy Ragsdale all grew up together. “We’ve known each other forever,” Canada says. And in a small town with nothing much going on, what could the four boys do 14 years ago but start a rock’n’roll band? “We’re country boys that rock’n’roll,” Canada explains, crediting their propulsive and rocking roots style to “the kind of stuff we grew up on. My sister had nothing but Creedence, Skynyrd and Marshall Tucker just blasting out of her room. Then you’d go to the poolroom and my dad would be listening to Merle Haggard, Willie, Johnny Paycheck and George Strait. At Grady’s house it was the same thing: His older brother would be listening to Skynyrd, his dad would be listening to Merle. And Randy’s dad, he played with Merle and Bob Wills and all those guys.” The foursome eventually moved to Stillwater, OK, the college town that has been the state’s musical breeding ground, and also started winning over Texas with a weekly gig in the Lone Star musical mecca of Austin. After releasing two studio albums and two live discs on their own label that generated handsome indie sales and becoming a top live attraction in both states, the group’s crackling regional buzz caught the ear of music business legend Tony Brown, who signed Cross Canadian Ragweed to Universal Records South. Over their four previous major label albums — Cross Canadian Ragweed (aka “the purple album”), Soul Gravy, Garage and Mission California — Ragweed has reaped a slew of rave reviews and began cracking the country Top 10 and pop Top 40 charts while expanding its fervent Southwestern following nationwide with dedicated touring throughout every year. To get prepped to hit the studio for Happiness and All The Other Things, the band were joined by McClure and Briggs onstage for a road trip from Chicago to Southern California, where they all ensconced themselves together in a house and nearby studio to lay down the album. As with their previous releases, a unifying thread emerged by sheer fortuity from the songs as they were recorded. “It seems like every record we make there’s always a theme, but it’s never really on purpose,” notes Canada. “It just kind of happens.” This time out, “We call it Happiness and All The Other Things because it’s also sad,” Canada explains. “I write a lot from watching other people’s relationships, and there were a lot crumbling down around me. I just watched everyone else’s life unravel and also looked at mine, and it can be either happy or sad.” At the heart of Cross Canadian Ragweed is a spirit and sound that the Arizona Daily Star hails as “simple, driving rock — common-man’s poetry set to music.” And it works marvelously for the group, two of whom now live in and around the burgeoning musical center of New Braunfels, Texas in between Austin and San Antonio, while Cross and Ragsdale hold down the home front back in Oklahoma. But any physical distance between them has no effect on their dedication to going the distance as a band. “We were all friends first, so that is a big factor in it,” Cross explains. “We’ve been through the van days; we were in a van with a trailer for seven years, so you learn everyone’s buttons real quick. So once you get past all that, I think you’ve got it made. We’ve always been pretty tight. I think the music really keeps us together.” And as is evident from the musical unity and passion that brims throughout Happiness and All The Other Things, “We love doing what we do,” concludes Canada. "If you love doing what you do and you can feed your family, keep doing it”
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10/24/2010 - Goodbye to Ragweed  - Read More
09/01/2010 - A New Direction For Ragweed Member - Read More
06/17/2010 - Sheena Easton, Cross Canadian Ragweed & more added to California Mid-State Fair - Read More
06/11/2010 - Headliner announced for annual festival - Read More
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09/01/2005 - Cross Canadian Ragweed Q&A - Read More
09/01/2005 - Cody Canada (Cross Canadian Ragweed) Q&A - Read More
05/01/2004 - Cody Canada (Cross Canadian Ragweed) Q&A '04 - Read More
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Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/18/2003            
BW is an idiottttt
Ewwww Ahhhhhh Brian Welch, I think we are all scared now.
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/18/2003            
Brian Welch
All right guys, listen up...I am tired of reading bad things being said about a band that plays music from their hearts and treats fans like friends. I know we are all entitled to our opinions, and that is fine. What is not fine is when people start attacking Cody, Grady, Jeremy, and Randy personally. These guys are out there, busting their asses trying to provide a little sunshine and entertainment into a world that is seriously lacking substance. i personally know, myself included, a lot of people who find inspiration and meaning in the music these guys play. Some of you also say that they are hypocrites for cussing and smoking and drinking while they sing about Jesus. All I can say is look at yourself first. Are you perfect? Do you ALWAYS do what Jesus wants you to do? Jesus himself told us to take the plank out of our own eye before we are to take the speck out of our brother's eye. Jesus knows where their hearts are, and I am convinced by their actions, that they are all saved and Jesus loves them as much as He loves you. Also, to ya'll that claim Cody is gay.... say that to his face.. I guarantee you that you wont say it again... he has a wife that he loves and she loves him. In closing, let me just say that these guys are probably the best group of guys to their fans out of any band out there. So before you open your mouth, think about what you are going to say....and if it is a personal attack on them... shut it.. or have it shut for you......
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/13/2003            
El Guapo
Hey RODEO, screw you.
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/13/2003            
I have loved and listened to CCR since my days at OSU. When I moved to KS, (lacking live music) I was thrilled when CCR came to Manhattan to treat us to a show. Every person that we took to the concert walked away a fan. Thanks Cody and gang for making KS bearable-and for playing my request-come back soon! You guys are live music at it's best!
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/13/2003            
It makes me sad that bands like CCR understand music but don't understand musicianship. I saw them at the Houston Livestock Show And Rodeo. There couldn't have been more references to pot, drinking and all the crap they promote (ironically, along with Christianity). They cussed. They held contempt for the audience (just because they were trying to be "cool"). The HLSR is a family event. This was the first time they ever played there and hopefully the last. Tonight I saw another one of the 5 acts I have seen, and again, was convinced that CCR is a loser operation on a loser trail. How long can you sing and write about the stupid things that only pre-mature college students will listen to and appreciate. You're a bunch of guys getting older. Grow up!
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/11/2003            
Big John
Cody, I hope that is you, and not some poser trying to get famous. Your true fans love the music, love what ya'll do, and who you are. Those people that call you sell-outs, they are just wacked in the head. Theres nothing wrong with expanding your touring schedule and bringing your music to a larger mass of people. If you happen to make a little money in the process, so be it. Those of us who have met you and have had the chance to hang out with ya'll, we know who you are. It is plain to see that ya'll love what you do, you love your fans, and there isn't any palce you would rather be than on stage. Thats what we love about you, and dont pay those nay-sayers any mind. They just dont have a clue. And it doesnt matter if its Texas or Oklahoma, we all support you just the same. People just dont want to let ya'll go, cause they feel as though they are losing a little piece of themselves. Your true fans see you as family, and it is hard to see ya'll move away and get bigger. But it feels good to, cause we know we are a part of that. I feel happy to know I helped make ya'll what you are today. Going to countless shows, buying every CD, some more than once, and telling every single soul that I know to check you guys out. Its been a great ride and its far from over. Keep putting smiles on our faces, and rhythm in our hearts.. Cody, Grady, Jeremy, and Randy.. Your true fans would not wnat ya'll any other way..
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/11/2003            
Cody Canada
Hey guys, first of all, the 5 stars are for the people that defend us and believe in us. I never post on here because if someone has an opinion then it's their opinion and I'm not going to try to change it. You can call us gay, you can say we suck, and that's your opinion. But when you're wrong about something I have to correct it. We do our CDs the same way every time. We practice, and when we feel we're ready to record it we record it to our liking. We've always been very stubborn when it comes to people that want to change us. We do it our way with no cover ups or computers. What you hear is what it is. And if you think we cheat to try to make ourselves sound better then you're wrong. Your opinion is your opinion, but fact is fact. We love what we do, we love our families, our fans, our fellow musicians, and all the behind the scenes people who help us out. To all of you - thank you. God Bless you Chad - get better!
Cross Canadian Ragweed  03/07/2003            
...Don't you just love the one star ratings..hehehe. Man I get a giggle from some of those. I saw CCR ( actually ran sound for them ) on the first show I think they played in Stillwater that I can recall. These guys have come a long way and effort and integrity didn't have anything to do with it I guess from some things I read. Fact is..hard work and faith has given these guys the opportunity to continue playing music and because of that...alot of people LIKE them and their music. If you don't get it, I'm sorry...listen some more and clean your ears beforehand...this is real American rock-n-roll from the midwest country that's actually got a POINT! Lyrical honesty and heartfelt musicianship abounds in this group...very true to the Red Dirt philosphy of songcrafting. Now, of course, with newly acheived recognition beyond our little southern chunk of the USA, we'll have to share them with everyone else ..which means it may not be as easy to get to meet the guys every time you go to a show...doesn't mean that they're arrogant. Go play a gig 5 nites a week from here to timbuktu and see how many faces you get to meet and try and remember everybody's name to boot. Top it off with a good case of fatigue from busting your rump getting from here to there and then when you don't kiss someone's hind side when you meet them they walk off thinking you're a self-absorbed jerk because you weren't cool enough to give them an hour of undivided attention. I've known all of the Red Dirt songsters for years and am a close friend to them all... and they are all great down to earth people. They have good and bad days too though and a bad day is rough when you have to go entertain people and then smile and try to be outgoing to those you do meet when all you want is maybe a little 'me time'. Trust me don't get much of that in this line of work so unless you really know someone to be an your first impression untill you've had a second chance to make sure. And also think about that cashier at the drivethru late the other nite when you drove through drunk and being a pain in the ass when they got your order wrong because they couldn't understand YOU, they looked at you and thought..what a jackass..but I guess they don't REALLY know the REAL you do they??? ( guess you where having a bad day ...surely your not really a jackass ).On that note...after 8 shows with D.A. Coe... I still think he's an ass, but I gave him a chance anyhow to prove me otherwise ( bitter old dude he is..but he's earned the right I guess, I just don't buy his stuff or pay to see him ). One more thing...James, what recording studio do you record at that has all the high end L.A. equipment to digitaly re-create and alter all the bad playing??? And who is the rich fat daddy backing your recording budget to do so?? I've been a recording engineer for 20 years and despite the technology, one fact still remains...Crap in = Crap out. You can't go to such extremes without alot of time and $$$ and I know that Ragweed doesn't have much of either to spare for such an endeavor. ( nor need to..) Go back to your sequencer keyboard and start up your Cakewalk and whup us up that grammy winning masterpeice you've obviously got stashed back. Be sure to send it to me when your done and I'll see to it all your crappy playing gets digitally corrected and sounds like a million bucks. That's what YOU implied gets done these days isn't it??? Maybe in Nashville or L.A. for the folks who just won the next round of 'Who wants to be star' reality TV show....but not in Red Dirt music my friend. We do the best we can in each situation and live with the final end result...even if it shows a few frayed edges here and there. CCR got a good one this last time and you can hear the difference compared to the first. It ain't digital's called maturity and they've payed the dues required to get it. I still like the rawness of the first CD's as well but bands grow... live with it. Ragweed is taking it farther and setting the next marker for Red Dirt recognition on the national scene...If someone's first taste of the Dirt is CCR, then they've got a pretty good sample to start with as these guys are definately an embodiment of all the best Red Dirt attributes rocked up to 11.
Cross Canadian Ragweed  02/24/2003            
I thought this was supposed to be a REVIEW section. You know, a place where you REVIEW the CD's and/or live performances for these up and coming bands. Strange that sometimes more attention is given to REVIEWERS that may disagree with your own ideas, rather than Cross Canadian themselves. I think that James should start his own band now that he's got so much attention here. Who the heck is Speedtrucker? All this time and energy is spent dwelling on these folks that no one has ever heard of. Why give them all this attention? Cross Canadian Ragweed are just a bunch of good ol' boys that a lot of people like, and they're doing what they love. What's so wrong with that?
Cross Canadian Ragweed  02/20/2003            
I love Cody..what a sexy voice..
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